作者: Sayak Paul
创建日期 2022/09/19
最后修改日期 2022/11/21
描述: 实现配备了 Class Attention 和 LayerScale 的图像 Transformer。
在本教程中,我们将实现由 Touvron 等人提出的 CaiT(图像 Transformer 中的 Class-Attention),参见 Going deeper with Image Transformers。深度缩放,即增加模型深度以获得更好的性能和泛化,在卷积神经网络中取得了相当大的成功(例如,Tan 等人,Dollár 等人)。但是,将相同的模型缩放原则应用于 Vision Transformer(Dosovitskiy 等人)的效果并不理想——它们的性能会随着深度缩放迅速饱和。请注意,这里的一个假设是,在执行模型缩放时,始终保持底层预训练数据集不变。
在 CaiT 论文中,作者研究了这种现象,并提出了对原始 ViT(Vision Transformer)架构的修改,以缓解这个问题。
假定读者已经熟悉 Vision Transformer。 这是 Keras 中 Vision Transformer 的实现: 使用 Vision Transformer 进行图像分类。
import os
os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow"
import io
import typing
from urllib.request import urlopen
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import PIL
import keras
from keras import layers
from keras import ops
我们首先实现一个 LayerScale 层,它是 CaiT 论文中提出的两个修改之一。
当增加 ViT 模型的深度时,它们会遇到优化不稳定,最终无法收敛。每个 Transformer 块内的残差连接引入了信息瓶颈。当深度增加时,这个瓶颈可能会迅速爆炸并偏离底层模型的优化路径。
以下方程式表示残差连接在 Transformer 块中添加的位置
其中,SA 代表自注意力,FFN 代表前馈网络,eta 表示 LayerNorm 运算符 (Ba 等人)。
LayerScale 的正式实现如下:
其中,lambda 是可学习的参数,并用非常小的值 ({0.1, 1e-5, 1e-6}) 初始化。diag 表示一个对角矩阵。
直观地说,LayerScale 有助于控制残差分支的贡献。LayerScale 的可学习参数被初始化为一个较小的值,以使分支像恒等函数一样工作,然后让它们在训练期间找出交互程度。对角矩阵还通过按通道应用来帮助控制残差输入的各个维度的贡献。
LayerScale 的实际实现比听起来要简单。
class LayerScale(layers.Layer):
"""LayerScale as introduced in CaiT: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.17239.
init_values (float): value to initialize the diagonal matrix of LayerScale.
projection_dim (int): projection dimension used in LayerScale.
def __init__(self, init_values: float, projection_dim: int, **kwargs):
self.gamma = self.add_weight(
def call(self, x, training=False):
return x * self.gamma
自引入以来(Huang 等人),随机深度已成为几乎所有现代神经网络架构中最受欢迎的组件。CaiT 也不例外。讨论随机深度超出了本笔记本的范围。如果您需要复习,可以参考 此资源。
class StochasticDepth(layers.Layer):
"""Stochastic Depth layer (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09382).
def __init__(self, drop_prob: float, **kwargs):
self.drop_prob = drop_prob
self.seed_generator = keras.random.SeedGenerator(1337)
def call(self, x, training=False):
if training:
keep_prob = 1 - self.drop_prob
shape = (ops.shape(x)[0],) + (1,) * (len(x.shape) - 1)
random_tensor = keep_prob + ops.random.uniform(
shape, minval=0, maxval=1, seed=self.seed_generator
random_tensor = ops.floor(random_tensor)
return (x / keep_prob) * random_tensor
return x
原始的 ViT 使用自注意力(SA)层来建模图像块和可学习的 CLS 令牌之间的交互。CaiT 的作者提出解耦负责关注图像块和 CLS 令牌的注意力层。
当使用 ViT 进行任何判别任务(例如分类)时,我们通常会获取属于 CLS 令牌的表示,然后将其传递给特定于任务的头部。这与使用全局平均池化(通常在卷积神经网络中完成)的方式不同。
CLS 令牌和其他图像块之间的交互通过自注意力层统一处理。正如 CaiT 作者所指出的那样,这种设置具有一种纠缠的效果。一方面,自注意力层负责建模图像块。另一方面,它们还负责通过 CLS 令牌总结建模的信息,以便它对学习目标有用。
这是通过将 CLS 令牌嵌入视为 CA 层中的查询来实现的。CLS 令牌嵌入和图像块嵌入都作为键和值输入。
class ClassAttention(layers.Layer):
"""Class attention as proposed in CaiT: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.17239.
projection_dim (int): projection dimension for the query, key, and value
of attention.
num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
scores as well as the final projected outputs.
def __init__(
self, projection_dim: int, num_heads: int, dropout_rate: float, **kwargs
self.num_heads = num_heads
head_dim = projection_dim // num_heads
self.scale = head_dim**-0.5
self.q = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
self.k = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
self.v = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
self.attn_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)
self.proj = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
self.proj_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)
def call(self, x, training=False):
batch_size, num_patches, num_channels = (
# Query projection. `cls_token` embeddings are queries.
q = ops.expand_dims(self.q(x[:, 0]), axis=1)
q = ops.reshape(
q, (batch_size, 1, self.num_heads, num_channels // self.num_heads)
) # Shape: (batch_size, 1, num_heads, dimension_per_head)
q = ops.transpose(q, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])
scale = ops.cast(self.scale, dtype=q.dtype)
q = q * scale
# Key projection. Patch embeddings as well the cls embedding are used as keys.
k = self.k(x)
k = ops.reshape(
k, (batch_size, num_patches, self.num_heads, num_channels // self.num_heads)
) # Shape: (batch_size, num_tokens, num_heads, dimension_per_head)
k = ops.transpose(k, axes=[0, 2, 3, 1])
# Value projection. Patch embeddings as well the cls embedding are used as values.
v = self.v(x)
v = ops.reshape(
v, (batch_size, num_patches, self.num_heads, num_channels // self.num_heads)
v = ops.transpose(v, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])
# Calculate attention scores between cls_token embedding and patch embeddings.
attn = ops.matmul(q, k)
attn = ops.nn.softmax(attn, axis=-1)
attn = self.attn_drop(attn, training=training)
x_cls = ops.matmul(attn, v)
x_cls = ops.transpose(x_cls, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])
x_cls = ops.reshape(x_cls, (batch_size, 1, num_channels))
x_cls = self.proj(x_cls)
x_cls = self.proj_drop(x_cls, training=training)
return x_cls, attn
CaiT 作者使用说话头注意力(Shazeer 等人)而不是原始 Transformer 论文(Vaswani 等人)中使用的 vanilla 缩放点积多头注意力。他们在 softmax 操作之前和之后引入了两个线性投影,以获得更好的结果。
有关说话头注意力和 vanilla 注意力机制的更严格处理,请参阅它们各自的论文(上面链接)。
class TalkingHeadAttention(layers.Layer):
"""Talking-head attention as proposed in CaiT: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.02436.
projection_dim (int): projection dimension for the query, key, and value
of attention.
num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
scores as well as the final projected outputs.
def __init__(
self, projection_dim: int, num_heads: int, dropout_rate: float, **kwargs
self.num_heads = num_heads
head_dim = projection_dim // self.num_heads
self.scale = head_dim**-0.5
self.qkv = layers.Dense(projection_dim * 3)
self.attn_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)
self.proj = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
self.proj_l = layers.Dense(self.num_heads)
self.proj_w = layers.Dense(self.num_heads)
self.proj_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)
def call(self, x, training=False):
B, N, C = ops.shape(x)[0], ops.shape(x)[1], ops.shape(x)[2]
# Project the inputs all at once.
qkv = self.qkv(x)
# Reshape the projected output so that they're segregated in terms of
# query, key, and value projections.
qkv = ops.reshape(qkv, (B, N, 3, self.num_heads, C // self.num_heads))
# Transpose so that the `num_heads` becomes the leading dimensions.
# Helps to better segregate the representation sub-spaces.
qkv = ops.transpose(qkv, axes=[2, 0, 3, 1, 4])
scale = ops.cast(self.scale, dtype=qkv.dtype)
q, k, v = qkv[0] * scale, qkv[1], qkv[2]
# Obtain the raw attention scores.
attn = ops.matmul(q, ops.transpose(k, axes=[0, 1, 3, 2]))
# Linear projection of the similarities between the query and key projections.
attn = self.proj_l(ops.transpose(attn, axes=[0, 2, 3, 1]))
# Normalize the attention scores.
attn = ops.transpose(attn, axes=[0, 3, 1, 2])
attn = ops.nn.softmax(attn, axis=-1)
# Linear projection on the softmaxed scores.
attn = self.proj_w(ops.transpose(attn, axes=[0, 2, 3, 1]))
attn = ops.transpose(attn, axes=[0, 3, 1, 2])
attn = self.attn_drop(attn, training=training)
# Final set of projections as done in the vanilla attention mechanism.
x = ops.matmul(attn, v)
x = ops.transpose(x, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])
x = ops.reshape(x, (B, N, C))
x = self.proj(x)
x = self.proj_drop(x, training=training)
return x, attn
接下来,我们实现前馈网络,它是 Transformer 块中的一个组件。
def mlp(x, dropout_rate: float, hidden_units: typing.List[int]):
"""FFN for a Transformer block."""
for idx, units in enumerate(hidden_units):
x = layers.Dense(
activation=ops.nn.gelu if idx == 0 else None,
x = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)(x)
return x
它返回一个 keras.Model
。它是一个配备了类注意力、层缩放和随机深度的 Transformer 块。它对 CLS 嵌入和图像块嵌入进行操作。LayerScaleBlock()
它返回一个 keras.model
。它也是一个仅对图像块嵌入进行操作的 Transformer 块。它配备了层缩放和随机深度。def LayerScaleBlockClassAttention(
projection_dim: int,
num_heads: int,
layer_norm_eps: float,
init_values: float,
mlp_units: typing.List[int],
dropout_rate: float,
sd_prob: float,
name: str,
"""Pre-norm transformer block meant to be applied to the embeddings of the
cls token and the embeddings of image patches.
Includes LayerScale and Stochastic Depth.
projection_dim (int): projection dimension to be used in the
Transformer blocks and patch projection layer.
num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
layer_norm_eps (float): epsilon to be used for Layer Normalization.
init_values (float): initial value for the diagonal matrix used in LayerScale.
mlp_units (List[int]): dimensions of the feed-forward network used in
the Transformer blocks.
dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
scores as well as the final projected outputs.
sd_prob (float): stochastic depth rate.
name (str): a name identifier for the block.
A keras.Model instance.
x = keras.Input((None, projection_dim))
x_cls = keras.Input((None, projection_dim))
inputs = keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([x_cls, x])
# Class attention (CA).
x1 = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps)(inputs)
attn_output, attn_scores = ClassAttention(projection_dim, num_heads, dropout_rate)(
attn_output = (
LayerScale(init_values, projection_dim)(attn_output)
if init_values
else attn_output
attn_output = StochasticDepth(sd_prob)(attn_output) if sd_prob else attn_output
x2 = keras.layers.Add()([x_cls, attn_output])
# FFN.
x3 = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps)(x2)
x4 = mlp(x3, hidden_units=mlp_units, dropout_rate=dropout_rate)
x4 = LayerScale(init_values, projection_dim)(x4) if init_values else x4
x4 = StochasticDepth(sd_prob)(x4) if sd_prob else x4
outputs = keras.layers.Add()([x2, x4])
return keras.Model([x, x_cls], [outputs, attn_scores], name=name)
def LayerScaleBlock(
projection_dim: int,
num_heads: int,
layer_norm_eps: float,
init_values: float,
mlp_units: typing.List[int],
dropout_rate: float,
sd_prob: float,
name: str,
"""Pre-norm transformer block meant to be applied to the embeddings of the
image patches.
Includes LayerScale and Stochastic Depth.
projection_dim (int): projection dimension to be used in the
Transformer blocks and patch projection layer.
num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
layer_norm_eps (float): epsilon to be used for Layer Normalization.
init_values (float): initial value for the diagonal matrix used in LayerScale.
mlp_units (List[int]): dimensions of the feed-forward network used in
the Transformer blocks.
dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
scores as well as the final projected outputs.
sd_prob (float): stochastic depth rate.
name (str): a name identifier for the block.
A keras.Model instance.
encoded_patches = keras.Input((None, projection_dim))
# Self-attention.
x1 = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps)(encoded_patches)
attn_output, attn_scores = TalkingHeadAttention(
projection_dim, num_heads, dropout_rate
attn_output = (
LayerScale(init_values, projection_dim)(attn_output)
if init_values
else attn_output
attn_output = StochasticDepth(sd_prob)(attn_output) if sd_prob else attn_output
x2 = layers.Add()([encoded_patches, attn_output])
# FFN.
x3 = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps)(x2)
x4 = mlp(x3, hidden_units=mlp_units, dropout_rate=dropout_rate)
x4 = LayerScale(init_values, projection_dim)(x4) if init_values else x4
x4 = StochasticDepth(sd_prob)(x4) if sd_prob else x4
outputs = layers.Add()([x2, x4])
return keras.Model(encoded_patches, [outputs, attn_scores], name=name)
有了所有这些块,我们现在可以把它们整理成最终的 CaiT 模型。
class CaiT(keras.Model):
"""CaiT model.
projection_dim (int): projection dimension to be used in the
Transformer blocks and patch projection layer.
patch_size (int): patch size of the input images.
num_patches (int): number of patches after extracting the image patches.
init_values (float): initial value for the diagonal matrix used in LayerScale.
mlp_units: (List[int]): dimensions of the feed-forward network used in
the Transformer blocks.
sa_ffn_layers (int): number of self-attention Transformer blocks.
ca_ffn_layers (int): number of class-attention Transformer blocks.
num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
layer_norm_eps (float): epsilon to be used for Layer Normalization.
dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
scores as well as the final projected outputs.
sd_prob (float): stochastic depth rate.
global_pool (str): denotes how to pool the representations coming out of
the final Transformer block.
pre_logits (bool): if set to True then don't add a classification head.
num_classes (int): number of classes to construct the final classification
layer with.
def __init__(
projection_dim: int,
patch_size: int,
num_patches: int,
init_values: float,
mlp_units: typing.List[int],
sa_ffn_layers: int,
ca_ffn_layers: int,
num_heads: int,
layer_norm_eps: float,
dropout_rate: float,
sd_prob: float,
global_pool: str,
pre_logits: bool,
num_classes: int,
if global_pool not in ["token", "avg"]:
raise ValueError(
'Invalid value received for `global_pool`, should be either `"token"` or `"avg"`.'
# Responsible for patchifying the input images and the linearly projecting them.
self.projection = keras.Sequential(
kernel_size=(patch_size, patch_size),
strides=(patch_size, patch_size),
target_shape=(-1, projection_dim),
# CLS token and the positional embeddings.
self.cls_token = self.add_weight(
shape=(1, 1, projection_dim), initializer="zeros"
self.pos_embed = self.add_weight(
shape=(1, num_patches, projection_dim), initializer="zeros"
# Projection dropout.
self.pos_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate, name="projection_dropout")
# Stochastic depth schedule.
dpr = [sd_prob for _ in range(sa_ffn_layers)]
# Self-attention (SA) Transformer blocks operating only on the image patch
# embeddings.
self.blocks = [
for i in range(sa_ffn_layers)
# Class Attention (CA) Transformer blocks operating on the CLS token and image patch
# embeddings.
self.blocks_token_only = [
sd_prob=0.0, # No Stochastic Depth in the class attention layers.
for i in range(ca_ffn_layers)
# Pre-classification layer normalization.
self.norm = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps, name="head_norm")
# Representation pooling for classification head.
self.global_pool = global_pool
# Classification head.
self.pre_logits = pre_logits
self.num_classes = num_classes
if not pre_logits:
self.head = layers.Dense(num_classes, name="classification_head")
def call(self, x, training=False):
# Notice how CLS token is not added here.
x = self.projection(x)
x = x + self.pos_embed
x = self.pos_drop(x)
# SA+FFN layers.
sa_ffn_attn = {}
for blk in self.blocks:
x, attn_scores = blk(x)
sa_ffn_attn[f"{blk.name}_att"] = attn_scores
# CA+FFN layers.
ca_ffn_attn = {}
cls_tokens = ops.tile(self.cls_token, (ops.shape(x)[0], 1, 1))
for blk in self.blocks_token_only:
cls_tokens, attn_scores = blk([x, cls_tokens])
ca_ffn_attn[f"{blk.name}_att"] = attn_scores
x = ops.concatenate([cls_tokens, x], axis=1)
x = self.norm(x)
# Always return the attention scores from the SA+FFN and CA+FFN layers
# for convenience.
if self.global_pool:
x = (
ops.reduce_mean(x[:, 1:], axis=1)
if self.global_pool == "avg"
else x[:, 0]
return (
(x, sa_ffn_attn, ca_ffn_attn)
if self.pre_logits
else (self.head(x), sa_ffn_attn, ca_ffn_attn)
以这种方式将 SA 层和 CA 层分离有助于模型更具体地关注潜在的目标。
现在我们已经定义了 CaiT 模型,是时候测试它了。我们将首先定义一个模型配置,该配置将传递给我们的 CaiT
def get_config(
image_size: int = 224,
patch_size: int = 16,
projection_dim: int = 192,
sa_ffn_layers: int = 24,
ca_ffn_layers: int = 2,
num_heads: int = 4,
mlp_ratio: int = 4,
init_values: float = 1e-5,
dropout_rate: float = 0.0,
sd_prob: float = 0.0,
global_pool: str = "token",
pre_logits: bool = False,
num_classes: int = 1000,
) -> typing.Dict:
"""Default configuration for CaiT models (cait_xxs24_224).
config = {}
# Patchification and projection.
config["patch_size"] = patch_size
config["num_patches"] = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2
# LayerScale.
config["init_values"] = init_values
# Dropout and Stochastic Depth.
config["dropout_rate"] = dropout_rate
config["sd_prob"] = sd_prob
# Shared across different blocks and layers.
config["layer_norm_eps"] = layer_norm_eps
config["projection_dim"] = projection_dim
config["mlp_units"] = [
projection_dim * mlp_ratio,
# Attention layers.
config["num_heads"] = num_heads
config["sa_ffn_layers"] = sa_ffn_layers
config["ca_ffn_layers"] = ca_ffn_layers
# Representation pooling and task specific parameters.
config["global_pool"] = global_pool
config["pre_logits"] = pre_logits
config["num_classes"] = num_classes
return config
如果您已经了解 ViT 架构,那么大多数配置变量应该听起来很熟悉。重点是 sa_ffn_layers
和 ca_ffn_layers
,它们控制 SA-Transformer 块和 CA-Transformer 块的数量。您可以轻松地修改此 get_config()
方法,以便为自己的数据集实例化 CaiT 模型。
image_size = 224
num_channels = 3
batch_size = 2
config = get_config()
cait_xxs24_224 = CaiT(**config)
dummy_inputs = ops.ones((batch_size, image_size, image_size, num_channels))
_ = cait_xxs24_224(dummy_inputs)
为了验证这一点,我们将加载同一个模型的另一个实例,该实例已经填充了预训练的参数。有关更多详细信息,请参阅此存储库(由本笔记本的作者开发)。此外,该存储库还提供了代码来验证模型在 ImageNet-1k 验证集上的性能以及微调。
model_gcs_path = "gs://kaggle-tfhub-models-uncompressed/tfhub-modules/sayakpaul/cait_xxs24_224/1/uncompressed"
pretrained_model = keras.Sequential(
[keras.layers.TFSMLayer(model_gcs_path, call_endpoint="serving_default")]
# The preprocessing transformations include center cropping, and normalizing
# the pixel values with the ImageNet-1k training stats (mean and standard deviation).
crop_layer = keras.layers.CenterCrop(image_size, image_size)
norm_layer = keras.layers.Normalization(
mean=[0.485 * 255, 0.456 * 255, 0.406 * 255],
variance=[(0.229 * 255) ** 2, (0.224 * 255) ** 2, (0.225 * 255) ** 2],
def preprocess_image(image, size=image_size):
image = np.array(image)
image_resized = ops.expand_dims(image, 0)
resize_size = int((256 / image_size) * size)
image_resized = ops.image.resize(
image_resized, (resize_size, resize_size), interpolation="bicubic"
image_resized = crop_layer(image_resized)
return norm_layer(image_resized).numpy()
def load_image_from_url(url):
image_bytes = io.BytesIO(urlopen(url).read())
image = PIL.Image.open(image_bytes)
preprocessed_image = preprocess_image(image)
return image, preprocessed_image
现在,我们检索 ImageNet-1k 标签并将其加载,因为我们正在加载的模型是在 ImageNet-1k 数据集上预训练的。
# ImageNet-1k class labels.
imagenet_labels = (
label_path = keras.utils.get_file(origin=imagenet_labels)
with open(label_path, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
imagenet_labels = [line.rstrip() for line in lines]
img_url = "https://i.imgur.com/ErgfLTn.jpg"
image, preprocessed_image = load_image_from_url(img_url)
# https://unsplash.com/photos/Ho93gVTRWW8
outputs = pretrained_model.predict(preprocessed_image)
logits = outputs["output_1"]
ca_ffn_block_0_att = outputs["output_3_ca_ffn_block_0_att"]
ca_ffn_block_1_att = outputs["output_3_ca_ffn_block_1_att"]
predicted_label = imagenet_labels[int(np.argmax(logits))]
1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 30s 30s/step
monarch, monarch_butterfly, milkweed_butterfly, Danaus_plexippus
WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
I0000 00:00:1700601113.319904 361514 device_compiler.h:187] Compiled cluster using XLA! This line is logged at most once for the lifetime of the process.
现在我们已经获得了(看起来符合预期的)预测,我们可以进一步扩展我们的研究。根据 CaiT 作者的说法,我们可以研究注意力层的注意力分数。这有助于我们更深入地了解 CaiT 论文中引入的修改。
# (batch_size, nb_attention_heads, num_cls_token, seq_length)
print("Shape of the attention scores from a class attention block:")
Shape of the attention scores from a class attention block:
(1, 4, 1, 197)
该形状表示我们已经获得了每个单独的注意力头的注意力权重。它们量化了 CLS 令牌与自身和其余图像块之间的关系信息。
此实用程序参考自原始 CaiT 论文的图 6 和图 7。它也是 此笔记本(由本教程的作者开发)的一部分。
# Reference:
# https://github.com/facebookresearch/dino/blob/main/visualize_attention.py
patch_size = 16
def get_cls_attention_map(
) -> np.ndarray:
Returns attention scores from a particular attention block.
attention_scores: the attention scores from the attention block to
return_saliency: a boolean flag if set to True also returns the salient
representations of the attention block.
w_featmap = preprocessed_image.shape[2] // patch_size
h_featmap = preprocessed_image.shape[1] // patch_size
nh = attention_scores.shape[1] # Number of attention heads.
# Taking the representations from CLS token.
attentions = attention_scores[0, :, 0, 1:].reshape(nh, -1)
# Reshape the attention scores to resemble mini patches.
attentions = attentions.reshape(nh, w_featmap, h_featmap)
if not return_saliency:
attentions = attentions.transpose((1, 2, 0))
attentions = np.mean(attentions, axis=0)
attentions = (attentions - attentions.min()) / (
attentions.max() - attentions.min()
attentions = np.expand_dims(attentions, -1)
# Resize the attention patches to 224x224 (224: 14x16)
attentions = ops.image.resize(
size=(h_featmap * patch_size, w_featmap * patch_size),
return attentions
在第一个 CA 层中,我们注意到模型只关注感兴趣的区域。
attentions_ca_block_0 = get_cls_attention_map(ca_ffn_block_0_att)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4, figsize=(13, 13))
img_count = 0
for i in range(attentions_ca_block_0.shape[-1]):
if img_count < attentions_ca_block_0.shape[-1]:
axes[i].imshow(attentions_ca_block_0[:, :, img_count])
axes[i].title.set_text(f"Attention head: {img_count}")
img_count += 1
而在第二个 CA 层中,模型试图更多地关注包含区分性信号的上下文。
attentions_ca_block_1 = get_cls_attention_map(ca_ffn_block_1_att)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4, figsize=(13, 13))
img_count = 0
for i in range(attentions_ca_block_1.shape[-1]):
if img_count < attentions_ca_block_1.shape[-1]:
axes[i].imshow(attentions_ca_block_1[:, :, img_count])
axes[i].title.set_text(f"Attention head: {img_count}")
img_count += 1
saliency_attention = get_cls_attention_map(ca_ffn_block_0_att, return_saliency=True)
image = np.array(image)
image_resized = ops.expand_dims(image, 0)
resize_size = int((256 / 224) * image_size)
image_resized = ops.image.resize(
image_resized, (resize_size, resize_size), interpolation="bicubic"
image_resized = crop_layer(image_resized)
plt.imshow(saliency_attention.numpy().squeeze(), cmap="cividis", alpha=0.9)
在本笔记本中,我们实现了 CaiT 模型。它展示了如何在尝试扩展 ViT 的深度时,同时保持预训练数据集不变,从而缓解 ViT 中出现的问题。我希望笔记本中提供的额外可视化可以激发社区的兴趣,并让人们开发有趣的方法来探测像 ViT 这样的模型所学习的内容。
感谢 Google 的 ML 开发者计划团队提供 Google Cloud Platform 支持。