代码示例 / 计算机视觉 / 带有 LayerScale 的 Class Attention 图像 Transformer

带有 LayerScale 的 Class Attention 图像 Transformer

作者: Sayak Paul
创建日期 2022/09/19
最后修改日期 2022/11/21
描述: 实现配备了 Class Attention 和 LayerScale 的图像 Transformer。

ⓘ 此示例使用 Keras 3

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在本教程中,我们将实现由 Touvron 等人提出的 CaiT(图像 Transformer 中的 Class-Attention),参见 Going deeper with Image Transformers。深度缩放,即增加模型深度以获得更好的性能和泛化,在卷积神经网络中取得了相当大的成功(例如,Tan 等人Dollár 等人)。但是,将相同的模型缩放原则应用于 Vision Transformer(Dosovitskiy 等人)的效果并不理想——它们的性能会随着深度缩放迅速饱和。请注意,这里的一个假设是,在执行模型缩放时,始终保持底层预训练数据集不变。

在 CaiT 论文中,作者研究了这种现象,并提出了对原始 ViT(Vision Transformer)架构的修改,以缓解这个问题。


  • CaiT 的各个块的实现
  • 整理所有块以创建 CaiT 模型
  • 加载预训练的 CaiT 模型
  • 获取预测结果
  • CaiT 的不同注意力层的可视化

假定读者已经熟悉 Vision Transformer。 这是 Keras 中 Vision Transformer 的实现: 使用 Vision Transformer 进行图像分类


import os

os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow"

import io
import typing
from urllib.request import urlopen

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import PIL
import keras
from keras import layers
from keras import ops

LayerScale 层

我们首先实现一个 LayerScale 层,它是 CaiT 论文中提出的两个修改之一。

当增加 ViT 模型的深度时,它们会遇到优化不稳定,最终无法收敛。每个 Transformer 块内的残差连接引入了信息瓶颈。当深度增加时,这个瓶颈可能会迅速爆炸并偏离底层模型的优化路径。

以下方程式表示残差连接在 Transformer 块中添加的位置

其中,SA 代表自注意力,FFN 代表前馈网络,eta 表示 LayerNorm 运算符 (Ba 等人)。

LayerScale 的正式实现如下:

其中,lambda 是可学习的参数,并用非常小的值 ({0.1, 1e-5, 1e-6}) 初始化。diag 表示一个对角矩阵。

直观地说,LayerScale 有助于控制残差分支的贡献。LayerScale 的可学习参数被初始化为一个较小的值,以使分支像恒等函数一样工作,然后让它们在训练期间找出交互程度。对角矩阵还通过按通道应用来帮助控制残差输入的各个维度的贡献。

LayerScale 的实际实现比听起来要简单。

class LayerScale(layers.Layer):
    """LayerScale as introduced in CaiT: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.17239.

        init_values (float): value to initialize the diagonal matrix of LayerScale.
        projection_dim (int): projection dimension used in LayerScale.

    def __init__(self, init_values: float, projection_dim: int, **kwargs):
        self.gamma = self.add_weight(

    def call(self, x, training=False):
        return x * self.gamma


自引入以来(Huang 等人),随机深度已成为几乎所有现代神经网络架构中最受欢迎的组件。CaiT 也不例外。讨论随机深度超出了本笔记本的范围。如果您需要复习,可以参考 此资源

class StochasticDepth(layers.Layer):
    """Stochastic Depth layer (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09382).


    def __init__(self, drop_prob: float, **kwargs):
        self.drop_prob = drop_prob
        self.seed_generator = keras.random.SeedGenerator(1337)

    def call(self, x, training=False):
        if training:
            keep_prob = 1 - self.drop_prob
            shape = (ops.shape(x)[0],) + (1,) * (len(x.shape) - 1)
            random_tensor = keep_prob + ops.random.uniform(
                shape, minval=0, maxval=1, seed=self.seed_generator
            random_tensor = ops.floor(random_tensor)
            return (x / keep_prob) * random_tensor
        return x


原始的 ViT 使用自注意力(SA)层来建模图像块和可学习的 CLS 令牌之间的交互。CaiT 的作者提出解耦负责关注图像块和 CLS 令牌的注意力层。

当使用 ViT 进行任何判别任务(例如分类)时,我们通常会获取属于 CLS 令牌的表示,然后将其传递给特定于任务的头部。这与使用全局平均池化(通常在卷积神经网络中完成)的方式不同。

CLS 令牌和其他图像块之间的交互通过自注意力层统一处理。正如 CaiT 作者所指出的那样,这种设置具有一种纠缠的效果。一方面,自注意力层负责建模图像块。另一方面,它们还负责通过 CLS 令牌总结建模的信息,以便它对学习目标有用。


  • 在网络的后期引入 CLS 令牌。
  • 通过一组单独的注意力层来建模 CLS 令牌和与图像块相关的表示之间的交互。作者称之为 类注意力(CA)。


这是通过将 CLS 令牌嵌入视为 CA 层中的查询来实现的。CLS 令牌嵌入和图像块嵌入都作为键和值输入。


class ClassAttention(layers.Layer):
    """Class attention as proposed in CaiT: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.17239.

        projection_dim (int): projection dimension for the query, key, and value
            of attention.
        num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
        dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
            scores as well as the final projected outputs.

    def __init__(
        self, projection_dim: int, num_heads: int, dropout_rate: float, **kwargs
        self.num_heads = num_heads

        head_dim = projection_dim // num_heads
        self.scale = head_dim**-0.5

        self.q = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
        self.k = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
        self.v = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
        self.attn_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)
        self.proj = layers.Dense(projection_dim)
        self.proj_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)

    def call(self, x, training=False):
        batch_size, num_patches, num_channels = (

        # Query projection. `cls_token` embeddings are queries.
        q = ops.expand_dims(self.q(x[:, 0]), axis=1)
        q = ops.reshape(
            q, (batch_size, 1, self.num_heads, num_channels // self.num_heads)
        )  # Shape: (batch_size, 1, num_heads, dimension_per_head)
        q = ops.transpose(q, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])
        scale = ops.cast(self.scale, dtype=q.dtype)
        q = q * scale

        # Key projection. Patch embeddings as well the cls embedding are used as keys.
        k = self.k(x)
        k = ops.reshape(
            k, (batch_size, num_patches, self.num_heads, num_channels // self.num_heads)
        )  # Shape: (batch_size, num_tokens, num_heads, dimension_per_head)
        k = ops.transpose(k, axes=[0, 2, 3, 1])

        # Value projection. Patch embeddings as well the cls embedding are used as values.
        v = self.v(x)
        v = ops.reshape(
            v, (batch_size, num_patches, self.num_heads, num_channels // self.num_heads)
        v = ops.transpose(v, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])

        # Calculate attention scores between cls_token embedding and patch embeddings.
        attn = ops.matmul(q, k)
        attn = ops.nn.softmax(attn, axis=-1)
        attn = self.attn_drop(attn, training=training)

        x_cls = ops.matmul(attn, v)
        x_cls = ops.transpose(x_cls, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])
        x_cls = ops.reshape(x_cls, (batch_size, 1, num_channels))
        x_cls = self.proj(x_cls)
        x_cls = self.proj_drop(x_cls, training=training)

        return x_cls, attn


CaiT 作者使用说话头注意力(Shazeer 等人)而不是原始 Transformer 论文(Vaswani 等人)中使用的 vanilla 缩放点积多头注意力。他们在 softmax 操作之前和之后引入了两个线性投影,以获得更好的结果。

有关说话头注意力和 vanilla 注意力机制的更严格处理,请参阅它们各自的论文(上面链接)。

class TalkingHeadAttention(layers.Layer):
    """Talking-head attention as proposed in CaiT: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.02436.

        projection_dim (int): projection dimension for the query, key, and value
            of attention.
        num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
        dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
            scores as well as the final projected outputs.

    def __init__(
        self, projection_dim: int, num_heads: int, dropout_rate: float, **kwargs

        self.num_heads = num_heads

        head_dim = projection_dim // self.num_heads

        self.scale = head_dim**-0.5

        self.qkv = layers.Dense(projection_dim * 3)
        self.attn_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)

        self.proj = layers.Dense(projection_dim)

        self.proj_l = layers.Dense(self.num_heads)
        self.proj_w = layers.Dense(self.num_heads)

        self.proj_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)

    def call(self, x, training=False):
        B, N, C = ops.shape(x)[0], ops.shape(x)[1], ops.shape(x)[2]

        # Project the inputs all at once.
        qkv = self.qkv(x)

        # Reshape the projected output so that they're segregated in terms of
        # query, key, and value projections.
        qkv = ops.reshape(qkv, (B, N, 3, self.num_heads, C // self.num_heads))

        # Transpose so that the `num_heads` becomes the leading dimensions.
        # Helps to better segregate the representation sub-spaces.
        qkv = ops.transpose(qkv, axes=[2, 0, 3, 1, 4])
        scale = ops.cast(self.scale, dtype=qkv.dtype)
        q, k, v = qkv[0] * scale, qkv[1], qkv[2]

        # Obtain the raw attention scores.
        attn = ops.matmul(q, ops.transpose(k, axes=[0, 1, 3, 2]))

        # Linear projection of the similarities between the query and key projections.
        attn = self.proj_l(ops.transpose(attn, axes=[0, 2, 3, 1]))

        # Normalize the attention scores.
        attn = ops.transpose(attn, axes=[0, 3, 1, 2])
        attn = ops.nn.softmax(attn, axis=-1)

        # Linear projection on the softmaxed scores.
        attn = self.proj_w(ops.transpose(attn, axes=[0, 2, 3, 1]))
        attn = ops.transpose(attn, axes=[0, 3, 1, 2])
        attn = self.attn_drop(attn, training=training)

        # Final set of projections as done in the vanilla attention mechanism.
        x = ops.matmul(attn, v)
        x = ops.transpose(x, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])
        x = ops.reshape(x, (B, N, C))

        x = self.proj(x)
        x = self.proj_drop(x, training=training)

        return x, attn


接下来,我们实现前馈网络,它是 Transformer 块中的一个组件。

def mlp(x, dropout_rate: float, hidden_units: typing.List[int]):
    """FFN for a Transformer block."""
    for idx, units in enumerate(hidden_units):
        x = layers.Dense(
            activation=ops.nn.gelu if idx == 0 else None,
        x = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)(x)
    return x



  • LayerScaleBlockClassAttention() 它返回一个 keras.Model。它是一个配备了类注意力、层缩放和随机深度的 Transformer 块。它对 CLS 嵌入和图像块嵌入进行操作。
  • LayerScaleBlock() 它返回一个 keras.model。它也是一个仅对图像块嵌入进行操作的 Transformer 块。它配备了层缩放和随机深度。
def LayerScaleBlockClassAttention(
    projection_dim: int,
    num_heads: int,
    layer_norm_eps: float,
    init_values: float,
    mlp_units: typing.List[int],
    dropout_rate: float,
    sd_prob: float,
    name: str,
    """Pre-norm transformer block meant to be applied to the embeddings of the
    cls token and the embeddings of image patches.

    Includes LayerScale and Stochastic Depth.

        projection_dim (int): projection dimension to be used in the
            Transformer blocks and patch projection layer.
        num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
        layer_norm_eps (float): epsilon to be used for Layer Normalization.
        init_values (float): initial value for the diagonal matrix used in LayerScale.
        mlp_units (List[int]): dimensions of the feed-forward network used in
            the Transformer blocks.
        dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
            scores as well as the final projected outputs.
        sd_prob (float): stochastic depth rate.
        name (str): a name identifier for the block.

        A keras.Model instance.
    x = keras.Input((None, projection_dim))
    x_cls = keras.Input((None, projection_dim))
    inputs = keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([x_cls, x])

    # Class attention (CA).
    x1 = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps)(inputs)
    attn_output, attn_scores = ClassAttention(projection_dim, num_heads, dropout_rate)(
    attn_output = (
        LayerScale(init_values, projection_dim)(attn_output)
        if init_values
        else attn_output
    attn_output = StochasticDepth(sd_prob)(attn_output) if sd_prob else attn_output
    x2 = keras.layers.Add()([x_cls, attn_output])

    # FFN.
    x3 = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps)(x2)
    x4 = mlp(x3, hidden_units=mlp_units, dropout_rate=dropout_rate)
    x4 = LayerScale(init_values, projection_dim)(x4) if init_values else x4
    x4 = StochasticDepth(sd_prob)(x4) if sd_prob else x4
    outputs = keras.layers.Add()([x2, x4])

    return keras.Model([x, x_cls], [outputs, attn_scores], name=name)

def LayerScaleBlock(
    projection_dim: int,
    num_heads: int,
    layer_norm_eps: float,
    init_values: float,
    mlp_units: typing.List[int],
    dropout_rate: float,
    sd_prob: float,
    name: str,
    """Pre-norm transformer block meant to be applied to the embeddings of the
    image patches.

    Includes LayerScale and Stochastic Depth.

            projection_dim (int): projection dimension to be used in the
                Transformer blocks and patch projection layer.
            num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
            layer_norm_eps (float): epsilon to be used for Layer Normalization.
            init_values (float): initial value for the diagonal matrix used in LayerScale.
            mlp_units (List[int]): dimensions of the feed-forward network used in
                the Transformer blocks.
            dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
                scores as well as the final projected outputs.
            sd_prob (float): stochastic depth rate.
            name (str): a name identifier for the block.

        A keras.Model instance.
    encoded_patches = keras.Input((None, projection_dim))

    # Self-attention.
    x1 = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps)(encoded_patches)
    attn_output, attn_scores = TalkingHeadAttention(
        projection_dim, num_heads, dropout_rate
    attn_output = (
        LayerScale(init_values, projection_dim)(attn_output)
        if init_values
        else attn_output
    attn_output = StochasticDepth(sd_prob)(attn_output) if sd_prob else attn_output
    x2 = layers.Add()([encoded_patches, attn_output])

    # FFN.
    x3 = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps)(x2)
    x4 = mlp(x3, hidden_units=mlp_units, dropout_rate=dropout_rate)
    x4 = LayerScale(init_values, projection_dim)(x4) if init_values else x4
    x4 = StochasticDepth(sd_prob)(x4) if sd_prob else x4
    outputs = layers.Add()([x2, x4])

    return keras.Model(encoded_patches, [outputs, attn_scores], name=name)

有了所有这些块,我们现在可以把它们整理成最终的 CaiT 模型。

把所有部分组合在一起:CaiT 模型

class CaiT(keras.Model):
    """CaiT model.

        projection_dim (int): projection dimension to be used in the
            Transformer blocks and patch projection layer.
        patch_size (int): patch size of the input images.
        num_patches (int): number of patches after extracting the image patches.
        init_values (float): initial value for the diagonal matrix used in LayerScale.
        mlp_units: (List[int]): dimensions of the feed-forward network used in
            the Transformer blocks.
        sa_ffn_layers (int): number of self-attention Transformer blocks.
        ca_ffn_layers (int): number of class-attention Transformer blocks.
        num_heads (int): number of attention heads.
        layer_norm_eps (float): epsilon to be used for Layer Normalization.
        dropout_rate (float): dropout rate to be used for dropout in the attention
            scores as well as the final projected outputs.
        sd_prob (float): stochastic depth rate.
        global_pool (str): denotes how to pool the representations coming out of
            the final Transformer block.
        pre_logits (bool): if set to True then don't add a classification head.
        num_classes (int): number of classes to construct the final classification
            layer with.

    def __init__(
        projection_dim: int,
        patch_size: int,
        num_patches: int,
        init_values: float,
        mlp_units: typing.List[int],
        sa_ffn_layers: int,
        ca_ffn_layers: int,
        num_heads: int,
        layer_norm_eps: float,
        dropout_rate: float,
        sd_prob: float,
        global_pool: str,
        pre_logits: bool,
        num_classes: int,
        if global_pool not in ["token", "avg"]:
            raise ValueError(
                'Invalid value received for `global_pool`, should be either `"token"` or `"avg"`.'


        # Responsible for patchifying the input images and the linearly projecting them.
        self.projection = keras.Sequential(
                    kernel_size=(patch_size, patch_size),
                    strides=(patch_size, patch_size),
                    target_shape=(-1, projection_dim),

        # CLS token and the positional embeddings.
        self.cls_token = self.add_weight(
            shape=(1, 1, projection_dim), initializer="zeros"
        self.pos_embed = self.add_weight(
            shape=(1, num_patches, projection_dim), initializer="zeros"

        # Projection dropout.
        self.pos_drop = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate, name="projection_dropout")

        # Stochastic depth schedule.
        dpr = [sd_prob for _ in range(sa_ffn_layers)]

        # Self-attention (SA) Transformer blocks operating only on the image patch
        # embeddings.
        self.blocks = [
            for i in range(sa_ffn_layers)

        # Class Attention (CA) Transformer blocks operating on the CLS token and image patch
        # embeddings.
        self.blocks_token_only = [
                sd_prob=0.0,  # No Stochastic Depth in the class attention layers.
            for i in range(ca_ffn_layers)

        # Pre-classification layer normalization.
        self.norm = layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=layer_norm_eps, name="head_norm")

        # Representation pooling for classification head.
        self.global_pool = global_pool

        # Classification head.
        self.pre_logits = pre_logits
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        if not pre_logits:
            self.head = layers.Dense(num_classes, name="classification_head")

    def call(self, x, training=False):
        # Notice how CLS token is not added here.
        x = self.projection(x)
        x = x + self.pos_embed
        x = self.pos_drop(x)

        # SA+FFN layers.
        sa_ffn_attn = {}
        for blk in self.blocks:
            x, attn_scores = blk(x)
            sa_ffn_attn[f"{blk.name}_att"] = attn_scores

        # CA+FFN layers.
        ca_ffn_attn = {}
        cls_tokens = ops.tile(self.cls_token, (ops.shape(x)[0], 1, 1))
        for blk in self.blocks_token_only:
            cls_tokens, attn_scores = blk([x, cls_tokens])
            ca_ffn_attn[f"{blk.name}_att"] = attn_scores

        x = ops.concatenate([cls_tokens, x], axis=1)
        x = self.norm(x)

        # Always return the attention scores from the SA+FFN and CA+FFN layers
        # for convenience.
        if self.global_pool:
            x = (
                ops.reduce_mean(x[:, 1:], axis=1)
                if self.global_pool == "avg"
                else x[:, 0]
        return (
            (x, sa_ffn_attn, ca_ffn_attn)
            if self.pre_logits
            else (self.head(x), sa_ffn_attn, ca_ffn_attn)

以这种方式将 SA 层和 CA 层分离有助于模型更具体地关注潜在的目标。

  • 图像块之间的模型依赖关系。
  • 从图像块中总结信息到一个 CLS 令牌中,该令牌可用于手头的任务。

现在我们已经定义了 CaiT 模型,是时候测试它了。我们将首先定义一个模型配置,该配置将传递给我们的 CaiT 类以进行初始化。


def get_config(
    image_size: int = 224,
    patch_size: int = 16,
    projection_dim: int = 192,
    sa_ffn_layers: int = 24,
    ca_ffn_layers: int = 2,
    num_heads: int = 4,
    mlp_ratio: int = 4,
    init_values: float = 1e-5,
    dropout_rate: float = 0.0,
    sd_prob: float = 0.0,
    global_pool: str = "token",
    pre_logits: bool = False,
    num_classes: int = 1000,
) -> typing.Dict:
    """Default configuration for CaiT models (cait_xxs24_224).

    config = {}

    # Patchification and projection.
    config["patch_size"] = patch_size
    config["num_patches"] = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2

    # LayerScale.
    config["init_values"] = init_values

    # Dropout and Stochastic Depth.
    config["dropout_rate"] = dropout_rate
    config["sd_prob"] = sd_prob

    # Shared across different blocks and layers.
    config["layer_norm_eps"] = layer_norm_eps
    config["projection_dim"] = projection_dim
    config["mlp_units"] = [
        projection_dim * mlp_ratio,

    # Attention layers.
    config["num_heads"] = num_heads
    config["sa_ffn_layers"] = sa_ffn_layers
    config["ca_ffn_layers"] = ca_ffn_layers

    # Representation pooling and task specific parameters.
    config["global_pool"] = global_pool
    config["pre_logits"] = pre_logits
    config["num_classes"] = num_classes

    return config

如果您已经了解 ViT 架构,那么大多数配置变量应该听起来很熟悉。重点是 sa_ffn_layersca_ffn_layers,它们控制 SA-Transformer 块和 CA-Transformer 块的数量。您可以轻松地修改此 get_config() 方法,以便为自己的数据集实例化 CaiT 模型。


image_size = 224
num_channels = 3
batch_size = 2

config = get_config()
cait_xxs24_224 = CaiT(**config)

dummy_inputs = ops.ones((batch_size, image_size, image_size, num_channels))
_ = cait_xxs24_224(dummy_inputs)


  • 在 ImageNet-1k 验证集上获得模型的性能(假设它已经填充了预训练的参数)(因为预训练数据集是 ImageNet-1k)。
  • 在不同的数据集上微调模型。

为了验证这一点,我们将加载同一个模型的另一个实例,该实例已经填充了预训练的参数。有关更多详细信息,请参阅此存储库(由本笔记本的作者开发)。此外,该存储库还提供了代码来验证模型在 ImageNet-1k 验证集上的性能以及微调


model_gcs_path = "gs://kaggle-tfhub-models-uncompressed/tfhub-modules/sayakpaul/cait_xxs24_224/1/uncompressed"
pretrained_model = keras.Sequential(
    [keras.layers.TFSMLayer(model_gcs_path, call_endpoint="serving_default")]



# The preprocessing transformations include center cropping, and normalizing
# the pixel values with the ImageNet-1k training stats (mean and standard deviation).
crop_layer = keras.layers.CenterCrop(image_size, image_size)
norm_layer = keras.layers.Normalization(
    mean=[0.485 * 255, 0.456 * 255, 0.406 * 255],
    variance=[(0.229 * 255) ** 2, (0.224 * 255) ** 2, (0.225 * 255) ** 2],

def preprocess_image(image, size=image_size):
    image = np.array(image)
    image_resized = ops.expand_dims(image, 0)
    resize_size = int((256 / image_size) * size)
    image_resized = ops.image.resize(
        image_resized, (resize_size, resize_size), interpolation="bicubic"
    image_resized = crop_layer(image_resized)
    return norm_layer(image_resized).numpy()

def load_image_from_url(url):
    image_bytes = io.BytesIO(urlopen(url).read())
    image = PIL.Image.open(image_bytes)
    preprocessed_image = preprocess_image(image)
    return image, preprocessed_image

现在,我们检索 ImageNet-1k 标签并将其加载,因为我们正在加载的模型是在 ImageNet-1k 数据集上预训练的。

# ImageNet-1k class labels.
imagenet_labels = (
label_path = keras.utils.get_file(origin=imagenet_labels)

with open(label_path, "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
imagenet_labels = [line.rstrip() for line in lines]


img_url = "https://i.imgur.com/ErgfLTn.jpg"
image, preprocessed_image = load_image_from_url(img_url)

# https://unsplash.com/photos/Ho93gVTRWW8



outputs = pretrained_model.predict(preprocessed_image)
logits = outputs["output_1"]
ca_ffn_block_0_att = outputs["output_3_ca_ffn_block_0_att"]
ca_ffn_block_1_att = outputs["output_3_ca_ffn_block_1_att"]

predicted_label = imagenet_labels[int(np.argmax(logits))]
 1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 30s 30s/step
monarch, monarch_butterfly, milkweed_butterfly, Danaus_plexippus

WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
I0000 00:00:1700601113.319904  361514 device_compiler.h:187] Compiled cluster using XLA!  This line is logged at most once for the lifetime of the process.

现在我们已经获得了(看起来符合预期的)预测,我们可以进一步扩展我们的研究。根据 CaiT 作者的说法,我们可以研究注意力层的注意力分数。这有助于我们更深入地了解 CaiT 论文中引入的修改。



# (batch_size, nb_attention_heads, num_cls_token, seq_length)
print("Shape of the attention scores from a class attention block:")
Shape of the attention scores from a class attention block:
(1, 4, 1, 197)

该形状表示我们已经获得了每个单独的注意力头的注意力权重。它们量化了 CLS 令牌与自身和其余图像块之间的关系信息。


  • 可视化类注意力层中各个注意力头关注的内容。这有助于我们了解 CaiT 模型中如何引入空间-类关系
  • 从第一个类注意力层获取一个显著性图,它有助于理解 CA 层如何聚合图像中感兴趣区域的信息。

此实用程序参考自原始 CaiT 论文的图 6 和图 7。它也是 此笔记本(由本教程的作者开发)的一部分。

# Reference:
# https://github.com/facebookresearch/dino/blob/main/visualize_attention.py

patch_size = 16

def get_cls_attention_map(
) -> np.ndarray:
    Returns attention scores from a particular attention block.

        attention_scores: the attention scores from the attention block to
        return_saliency: a boolean flag if set to True also returns the salient
            representations of the attention block.
    w_featmap = preprocessed_image.shape[2] // patch_size
    h_featmap = preprocessed_image.shape[1] // patch_size

    nh = attention_scores.shape[1]  # Number of attention heads.

    # Taking the representations from CLS token.
    attentions = attention_scores[0, :, 0, 1:].reshape(nh, -1)

    # Reshape the attention scores to resemble mini patches.
    attentions = attentions.reshape(nh, w_featmap, h_featmap)

    if not return_saliency:
        attentions = attentions.transpose((1, 2, 0))

        attentions = np.mean(attentions, axis=0)
        attentions = (attentions - attentions.min()) / (
            attentions.max() - attentions.min()
        attentions = np.expand_dims(attentions, -1)

    # Resize the attention patches to 224x224 (224: 14x16)
    attentions = ops.image.resize(
        size=(h_featmap * patch_size, w_featmap * patch_size),

    return attentions

在第一个 CA 层中,我们注意到模型只关注感兴趣的区域。

attentions_ca_block_0 = get_cls_attention_map(ca_ffn_block_0_att)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4, figsize=(13, 13))
img_count = 0

for i in range(attentions_ca_block_0.shape[-1]):
    if img_count < attentions_ca_block_0.shape[-1]:
        axes[i].imshow(attentions_ca_block_0[:, :, img_count])
        axes[i].title.set_text(f"Attention head: {img_count}")
        img_count += 1



而在第二个 CA 层中,模型试图更多地关注包含区分性信号的上下文。

attentions_ca_block_1 = get_cls_attention_map(ca_ffn_block_1_att)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4, figsize=(13, 13))
img_count = 0

for i in range(attentions_ca_block_1.shape[-1]):
    if img_count < attentions_ca_block_1.shape[-1]:
        axes[i].imshow(attentions_ca_block_1[:, :, img_count])
        axes[i].title.set_text(f"Attention head: {img_count}")
        img_count += 1




saliency_attention = get_cls_attention_map(ca_ffn_block_0_att, return_saliency=True)

image = np.array(image)
image_resized = ops.expand_dims(image, 0)
resize_size = int((256 / 224) * image_size)
image_resized = ops.image.resize(
    image_resized, (resize_size, resize_size), interpolation="bicubic"
image_resized = crop_layer(image_resized)

plt.imshow(saliency_attention.numpy().squeeze(), cmap="cividis", alpha=0.9)




在本笔记本中,我们实现了 CaiT 模型。它展示了如何在尝试扩展 ViT 的深度时,同时保持预训练数据集不变,从而缓解 ViT 中出现的问题。我希望笔记本中提供的额外可视化可以激发社区的兴趣,并让人们开发有趣的方法来探测像 ViT 这样的模型所学习的内容。


感谢 Google 的 ML 开发者计划团队提供 Google Cloud Platform 支持。