作者: achoum
创建日期 2024/02/01
上次修改 2024/02/01
描述: 使用 Temporian 和前馈神经网络检测欺诈性支付卡交易。
此笔记本依赖于 Keras 3、Temporian 和其他一些库。您可以按如下方式安装它们
pip install temporian keras pandas tf-nightly scikit-learn -U
import keras # To train the Machine Learning model
import temporian as tp # To convert transactions into tabular data
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import math
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.metrics import RocCurveDisplay
支付欺诈检测对于银行、企业和消费者至关重要。仅在欧洲,2019 年的欺诈交易额估计为 18.9 亿欧元。在全球范围内,大约 3.6% 的商业收入因欺诈而损失。在本笔记本中,我们训练并评估一个模型,以使用 Le Borgne 等人的书籍 《可重现的信用卡欺诈检测机器学习》附带的合成数据集来检测欺诈交易。
通常无法通过孤立地查看交易来检测欺诈交易。相反,通过查看同一用户、同一商家或其他类型的关系的多笔交易中的模式来检测欺诈交易。为了以机器学习模型可理解的方式表达这些关系,并使用特征工程来增强特征,我们使用 Temporian 预处理库。
该数据集包含 2018 年 4 月 1 日至 2018 年 9 月 30 日期间采样的支付交易。这些交易存储在 CSV 文件中,每天一个文件。
注意: 下载数据集需要约 1 分钟。
start_date = datetime.date(2018, 4, 1)
end_date = datetime.date(2018, 9, 30)
# Load the dataset as a Pandas dataframe.
cache_path = "fraud_detection_cache.csv"
if not os.path.exists(cache_path):
print("Download dataset")
dataframes = []
num_files = (end_date - start_date).days
counter = 0
while start_date <= end_date:
if counter % (num_files // 10) == 0:
print(f"[{100 * (counter+1) // num_files}%]", end="", flush=True)
print(".", end="", flush=True)
url = f"https://github.com/Fraud-Detection-Handbook/simulated-data-raw/raw/6e67dbd0a3bfe0d7ec33abc4bce5f37cd4ff0d6a/data/{start_date}.pkl"
start_date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
counter += 1
print("done", flush=True)
transactions_dataframe = pd.concat(dataframes)
transactions_dataframe.to_csv(cache_path, index=False)
print("Load dataset from cache")
transactions_dataframe = pd.read_csv(
cache_path, dtype={"CUSTOMER_ID": bytes, "TERMINAL_ID": bytes}
print(f"Found {len(transactions_dataframe)} transactions")
Download dataset
Found 1754155 transactions
transactions_dataframe = transactions_dataframe[
0 | 2018-04-01 00:00:31 | 596 | 3156 | 57.16 | 0 |
1 | 2018-04-01 00:02:10 | 4961 | 3412 | 81.51 | 0 |
2 | 2018-04-01 00:07:56 | 2 | 1365 | 146.00 | 0 |
3 | 2018-04-01 00:09:29 | 4128 | 8737 | 64.49 | 0 |
fraudulent_rate = transactions_dataframe["TX_FRAUD"].mean()
print("Rate of fraudulent transactions:", fraudulent_rate)
Rate of fraudulent transactions: 0.008369271814634397
pandas 数据帧被转换为 Temporian EventSet,它更适合下一步的数据探索和特征预处理。
transactions_evset = tp.from_pandas(transactions_dataframe, timestamps="TX_DATETIME")
WARNING:root:Feature "CUSTOMER_ID" is an array of numpy.object_ and will be casted to numpy.string_ (Note: numpy.string_ is equivalent to numpy.bytes_).
WARNING:root:Feature "TERMINAL_ID" is an array of numpy.object_ and will be casted to numpy.string_ (Note: numpy.string_ is equivalent to numpy.bytes_).
2018-04-01 00:00:31+00:00 | 596 | 3156 | 57.16 | 0 |
2018-04-01 00:02:10+00:00 | 4961 | 3412 | 81.51 | 0 |
2018-04-01 00:07:56+00:00 | 2 | 1365 | 146 | 0 |
2018-04-01 00:09:29+00:00 | 4128 | 8737 | 64.49 | 0 |
2018-04-01 00:10:34+00:00 | 927 | 9906 | 50.99 | 0 |
… | … | … | … | … |
无法孤立地检测欺诈交易。相反,我们需要连接相关的交易。对于每笔交易,我们计算过去 n
天内同一终端的交易总额和计数。由于我们不知道 n
的正确值,我们使用 n
# Group the transactions per terminal
transactions_per_terminal = transactions_evset.add_index("TERMINAL_ID")
# Moving statistics per terminal
tmp_features = []
for n in [7, 14, 28]:
feature_set_1 = tp.glue(*tmp_features)
时间戳 | sum_transactions_7_days | count_transactions_7_days | sum_transactions_14_days | count_transactions_14_days | sum_transactions_28_days | count_transactions_28_days |
2018-04-02 01:00:01+00:00 | 16.07 | 1 | 16.07 | 1 | 16.07 | 1 |
2018-04-02 09:49:55+00:00 | 83.9 | 2 | 83.9 | 2 | 83.9 | 2 |
2018-04-03 12:14:41+00:00 | 110.7 | 3 | 110.7 | 3 | 110.7 | 3 |
2018-04-05 16:47:41+00:00 | 151.2 | 4 | 151.2 | 4 | 151.2 | 4 |
2018-04-07 06:05:21+00:00 | 199.6 | 5 | 199.6 | 5 | 199.6 | 5 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … |
时间戳 | sum_transactions_7_days | count_transactions_7_days | sum_transactions_14_days | count_transactions_14_days | sum_transactions_28_days | count_transactions_28_days |
2018-04-01 16:24:39+00:00 | 70.36 | 1 | 70.36 | 1 | 70.36 | 1 |
2018-04-02 11:25:03+00:00 | 87.79 | 2 | 87.79 | 2 | 87.79 | 2 |
2018-04-04 08:31:48+00:00 | 211.6 | 3 | 211.6 | 3 | 211.6 | 3 |
2018-04-04 14:15:28+00:00 | 315 | 4 | 315 | 4 | 315 | 4 |
2018-04-04 20:54:17+00:00 | 446.5 | 5 | 446.5 | 5 | 446.5 | 5 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … |
时间戳 | sum_transactions_7_days | count_transactions_7_days | sum_transactions_14_days | count_transactions_14_days | sum_transactions_28_days | count_transactions_28_days |
2018-04-01 14:11:55+00:00 | 2.9 | 1 | 2.9 | 1 | 2.9 | 1 |
2018-04-02 11:01:07+00:00 | 17.04 | 2 | 17.04 | 2 | 17.04 | 2 |
2018-04-03 13:46:58+00:00 | 118.2 | 3 | 118.2 | 3 | 118.2 | 3 |
2018-04-04 03:27:11+00:00 | 161.7 | 4 | 161.7 | 4 | 161.7 | 4 |
2018-04-05 17:58:10+00:00 | 171.3 | 5 | 171.3 | 5 | 171.3 | 5 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … |
时间戳 | sum_transactions_7_days | count_transactions_7_days | sum_transactions_14_days | count_transactions_14_days | sum_transactions_28_days | count_transactions_28_days |
2018-04-02 10:37:42+00:00 | 6.31 | 1 | 6.31 | 1 | 6.31 | 1 |
2018-04-04 19:14:23+00:00 | 12.26 | 2 | 12.26 | 2 | 12.26 | 2 |
2018-04-07 04:01:22+00:00 | 65.12 | 3 | 65.12 | 3 | 65.12 | 3 |
2018-04-07 12:18:27+00:00 | 112.4 | 4 | 112.4 | 4 | 112.4 | 4 |
2018-04-07 21:11:03+00:00 | 170.4 | 5 | 170.4 | 5 | 170.4 | 5 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … |
交易的欺诈状态在交易时未知(否则,就不会有问题)。但是,银行会在交易发生一周后知道交易是否为欺诈性。我们创建一组特征,指示过去 N 天内的欺诈交易的数量和比率。
# Lag the transactions by one week.
lagged_transactions = transactions_per_terminal.lag(tp.duration.weeks(1))
# Moving statistics per customer
tmp_features = []
for n in [7, 14, 28]:
.moving_sum(tp.duration.days(n), sampling=transactions_per_terminal)
.simple_moving_average(tp.duration.days(n), sampling=transactions_per_terminal)
feature_set_2 = tp.glue(*tmp_features)
feature_set_3 = tp.glue(
all_data = tp.glue(
transactions_per_terminal, feature_set_1, feature_set_2, feature_set_3
print("All the available features:")
All the available features:
input_feature_names = [k for k in all_data.schema.feature_names() if k.islower()]
print("The model's input features:")
The model's input features:
为了使神经网络正常工作,必须对数值输入进行标准化。一种常见的方法是应用 z-标准化,这涉及从训练数据中估计的均值中减去每个值,并除以标准差。在预测中,不建议使用这种 z-标准化,因为它会导致未来泄漏。具体而言,为了对时间 t 的交易进行分类,我们不能依赖时间 t 之后的数据,因为在服务时在时间 t 进行预测时,还没有后续数据可用。简而言之,在时间 t,我们仅限于使用时间 t 之前或与时间 t 同时发生的数据。
因此,解决方案是随时间应用 z-标准化,这意味着我们使用从该交易的过去数据计算的均值和标准差来标准化每笔交易。
未来的泄漏是致命的。幸运的是,Temporian 可以提供帮助:唯一可能导致未来泄漏的运算符是 EventSet.leak()
。如果您不使用 EventSet.leak()
注意: 对于高级管道,您还可以以编程方式检查特征是否不依赖于 EventSet.leak()
# Cast all values (e.g. ints) to floats.
values = all_data[input_feature_names].cast(tp.float32)
# Apply z-normalization overtime.
normalized_features = (
values - values.simple_moving_average(math.inf)
) / values.moving_standard_deviation(math.inf)
# Restore the original name of the features.
normalized_features = normalized_features.rename(values.schema.feature_names())
indexes: []
features: [('sum_transactions_7_days', float32), ('count_transactions_7_days', float32), ('sum_transactions_14_days', float32), ('count_transactions_14_days', float32), ('sum_transactions_28_days', float32), ('count_transactions_28_days', float32), ('count_fraud_transactions_7_days', float32), ('rate_fraud_transactions_7_days', float32), ('count_fraud_transactions_14_days', float32), ('rate_fraud_transactions_14_days', float32), ('count_fraud_transactions_28_days', float32), ('rate_fraud_transactions_28_days', float32), ('calendar_hour', float32), ('calendar_day_of_week', float32)]
(1754155 events):
timestamps: ['2018-04-01T00:00:31' '2018-04-01T00:02:10' '2018-04-01T00:07:56' ...
'2018-09-30T23:58:21' '2018-09-30T23:59:52' '2018-09-30T23:59:57']
'sum_transactions_7_days': [ 0. 1. 1.3636 ... -0.064 -0.2059 0.8428]
'count_transactions_7_days': [ nan nan nan ... 1.0128 0.6892 1.66 ]
'sum_transactions_14_days': [ 0. 1. 1.3636 ... -0.7811 0.156 1.379 ]
'count_transactions_14_days': [ nan nan nan ... 0.2969 0.2969 2.0532]
'sum_transactions_28_days': [ 0. 1. 1.3636 ... -0.7154 -0.2989 1.9396]
'count_transactions_28_days': [ nan nan nan ... 0.1172 -0.1958 1.8908]
'count_fraud_transactions_7_days': [ nan nan nan ... -0.1043 -0.1043 -0.1043]
'rate_fraud_transactions_7_days': [ nan nan nan ... -0.1137 -0.1137 -0.1137]
'count_fraud_transactions_14_days': [ nan nan nan ... -0.1133 -0.1133 0.9303]
'rate_fraud_transactions_14_days': [ nan nan nan ... -0.1216 -0.1216 0.5275]
memory usage: 112.3 MB
/home/gbm/my_venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/temporian/implementation/numpy/operators/binary/arithmetic.py:100: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
return evset_1_feature / evset_2_feature
请注意,第一个值包含 NaN。在 Temporian 中,NaN 表示缺失值,所有运算符都会相应地处理它们。例如,在计算移动平均值时,NaN 值不包括在计算中,也不会生成 NaN 结果。
但是,神经网络本身无法处理 NaN 值。因此,我们用零替换它们。
normalized_features = normalized_features.fillna(0.0)
normalized_all_data = tp.glue(normalized_features, all_data["TX_FRAUD"])
为了使示例运行得更快,我们将有效地将训练集的大小缩小为:- 训练: 2018 年 7 月 1 日至 2018 年 7 月 31 日
# begin_train = datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 8).timestamp() # Full training dataset
begin_train = datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 1).timestamp() # Reduced training dataset
begin_valid = datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 1).timestamp()
begin_test = datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 1).timestamp()
is_train = (normalized_all_data.timestamps() >= begin_train) & (
normalized_all_data.timestamps() < begin_valid
is_valid = (normalized_all_data.timestamps() >= begin_valid) & (
normalized_all_data.timestamps() < begin_test
is_test = normalized_all_data.timestamps() >= begin_test
和 is_test
train_ds_evset = normalized_all_data.filter(is_train)
valid_ds_evset = normalized_all_data.filter(is_valid)
test_ds_evset = normalized_all_data.filter(is_test)
print(f"Training examples: {train_ds_evset.num_events()}")
print(f"Validation examples: {valid_ds_evset.num_events()}")
print(f"Testing examples: {test_ds_evset.num_events()}")
Training examples: 296924
Validation examples: 296579
Testing examples: 288064
我们将数据集从 EventSets 转换为 TensorFlow Datasets,因为 Keras 原生支持这些数据集。
non_batched_train_ds = tp.to_tensorflow_dataset(train_ds_evset)
non_batched_valid_ds = tp.to_tensorflow_dataset(valid_ds_evset)
non_batched_test_ds = tp.to_tensorflow_dataset(test_ds_evset)
以下处理步骤使用 TensorFlow 数据集进行:
将特征和标签分离为 Keras 期望的格式。正如我们之前提到的,数据集在合法交易方向上是不平衡的。 虽然我们希望在此原始分布上评估我们的模型,但神经网络通常在严重不平衡的数据集上训练效果不佳。 因此,我们使用 rejection_resample
将训练数据集重新采样为 80% 合法 / 20% 欺诈的比例。
def extract_features_and_label(example):
features = {k: example[k] for k in input_feature_names}
labels = tf.cast(example["TX_FRAUD"], tf.int32)
return features, labels
# Target ratio of fraudulent transactions in the training dataset.
target_rate = 0.2
# Number of examples in a mini-batch.
batch_size = 32
train_ds = (
class_func=lambda x: tf.cast(x["TX_FRAUD"], tf.int32),
target_dist=[1 - target_rate, target_rate],
initial_dist=[1 - fraudulent_rate, fraudulent_rate],
.map(lambda _, x: x) # Remove the label copy added by "rejection_resample".
# The test and validation dataset does not need resampling or shuffling.
valid_ds = (
test_ds = (
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/gbm/my_venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow/python/data/ops/dataset_ops.py:4956: Print (from tensorflow.python.ops.logging_ops) is deprecated and will be removed after 2018-08-20.
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.print instead of tf.Print. Note that tf.print returns a no-output operator that directly prints the output. Outside of defuns or eager mode, this operator will not be executed unless it is directly specified in session.run or used as a control dependency for other operators. This is only a concern in graph mode. Below is an example of how to ensure tf.print executes in graph mode:
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/gbm/my_venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tensorflow/python/data/ops/dataset_ops.py:4956: Print (from tensorflow.python.ops.logging_ops) is deprecated and will be removed after 2018-08-20.
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.print instead of tf.Print. Note that tf.print returns a no-output operator that directly prints the output. Outside of defuns or eager mode, this operator will not be executed unless it is directly specified in session.run or used as a control dependency for other operators. This is only a concern in graph mode. Below is an example of how to ensure tf.print executes in graph mode:
我们打印训练数据集的前四个示例。 这是一种简单的识别上述可能出现的错误的方法。
for features, labels in train_ds.take(1):
for feature_name, feature_value in features.items():
print(f"\t{feature_name}: {feature_value[:4]}")
print(f"labels: {labels[:4]}")
sum_transactions_7_days: [-0.9417254 -1.1157728 -0.5594417 0.7264878]
count_transactions_7_days: [-0.23363686 -0.8702531 -0.23328805 0.7198456 ]
sum_transactions_14_days: [-0.9084115 2.8127224 0.7297886 0.0666021]
count_transactions_14_days: [-0.54289246 2.4122045 0.1963075 0.3798441 ]
sum_transactions_28_days: [-0.44202712 2.3494742 0.20992276 0.97425723]
count_transactions_28_days: [0.02585898 1.8197156 0.12127225 0.9692807 ]
count_fraud_transactions_7_days: [ 8.007475 -0.09783722 1.9282814 -0.09780706]
rate_fraud_transactions_7_days: [14.308702 -0.10952345 1.6929103 -0.10949575]
count_fraud_transactions_14_days: [12.411182 -0.1045466 1.0330476 -0.1045142]
rate_fraud_transactions_14_days: [15.742149 -0.11567765 1.0170861 -0.11565071]
count_fraud_transactions_28_days: [ 7.420907 -0.11298086 0.572011 -0.11293571]
rate_fraud_transactions_28_days: [10.065552 -0.12640427 0.5862939 -0.12637936]
calendar_hour: [-0.68766755 0.6972711 -1.6792761 0.49967623]
calendar_day_of_week: [1.492013 1.4789637 1.4978485 1.4818214]
labels: [1 0 0 0]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
原始数据集是事务性的,但处理后的数据是表格形式的,仅包含归一化的数值。 因此,我们训练一个前馈神经网络。
inputs = [keras.Input(shape=(1,), name=name) for name in input_feature_names]
x = keras.layers.concatenate(inputs)
x = keras.layers.Dense(32, activation="sigmoid")(x)
x = keras.layers.Dense(16, activation="sigmoid")(x)
x = keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(x)
model = keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=x)
我们的目标是区分欺诈交易和合法交易,因此我们使用二元分类目标。 由于数据集不平衡,因此准确率不是一个有用的指标。 相反,我们使用曲线下面积 (AUC) 来评估模型。
metrics=[keras.metrics.Accuracy(), keras.metrics.AUC()],
model.fit(train_ds, validation_data=valid_ds)
5/Unknown 1s 15ms/step - accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - auc: 0.4480 - loss: 0.7678
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
Proportion of examples rejected by sampler is high: [0.991630733][0.991630733 0.00836927164][0 1]
433/Unknown 23s 51ms/step - accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - auc: 0.8060 - loss: 0.3632
/usr/lib/python3.11/contextlib.py:155: UserWarning: Your input ran out of data; interrupting training. Make sure that your dataset or generator can generate at least `steps_per_epoch * epochs` batches. You may need to use the `.repeat()` function when building your dataset.
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
433/433 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 30s 67ms/step - accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - auc: 0.8060 - loss: 0.3631 - val_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_auc: 0.8252 - val_loss: 0.2133
<keras.src.callbacks.history.History at 0x7f8f74f0d750>
9002/9002 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 7s 811us/step - accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - auc: 0.8357 - loss: 0.2161
[0.2171599417924881, 0.0, 0.8266682028770447]
AUC 约为 83%,我们简单的欺诈检测器显示出令人鼓舞的结果。
绘制 ROC 曲线是理解和选择模型操作点(即应用于模型输出以区分欺诈交易和合法交易的阈值)的好方法。
predictions = model.predict(test_ds)
predictions = np.nan_to_num(predictions, nan=0)
9002/9002 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 10s 1ms/step
labels = np.concatenate([label for _, label in test_ds])
最后,我们绘制 ROC 曲线。
_ = RocCurveDisplay.from_predictions(labels, predictions)
Keras 模型已准备好用于具有未知欺诈状态的交易,也称为服务。 我们将模型保存在磁盘上以供将来使用。
注意: 该模型不包括在 Pandas 和 Temporian 中完成的数据准备和预处理步骤。 它们必须手动应用于输入到模型的数据。 虽然这里没有演示,但 Temporian 预处理也可以使用 tp.save 保存到磁盘。
loaded_model = keras.saving.load_model("fraud_detection_model.keras")
# Generate predictions with the loaded model on 5 test examples.
1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 71ms/step
/usr/lib/python3.11/contextlib.py:155: UserWarning: Your input ran out of data; interrupting training. Make sure that your dataset or generator can generate at least `steps_per_epoch * epochs` batches. You may need to use the `.repeat()` function when building your dataset.
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
[0.14283912]], dtype=float32)
我们训练了一个前馈神经网络来识别欺诈交易。 为了将它们输入到模型中,使用 Temporian 将交易进行预处理并转换为表格数据集。 现在,向读者提一个问题:可以做些什么来进一步提高模型的性能?