类keras_cv.layers.DropBlock2D(rate, block_size, seed=None, **kwargs)
对输入特征应用 DropBlock 正则化。
DropBlock 是一种结构化 dropout,其中特征图中相邻区域的单元被一起丢弃。DropBlock 比 dropout 在卷积层上的效果更好,因为卷积层的激活单元在空间上是相关的。
建议在网络的后续层中,在 Conv -> BatchNorm -> Activation 块之后使用 DropBlock。例如,论文中提到在 ResNet 块的第三和第四组中使用 DropBlock。
的输入特征使用 block_size=7
。如果此值大于或等于输入特征图大小,您将遇到 nan
DropBlock2D 可以用在 keras.Model
# (...)
x = Conv2D(32, (1, 1))(x)
x = BatchNormalization()(x)
x = ReLU()(x)
x = DropBlock2D(0.1, block_size=7)(x)
# (...)
# Small feature map shape for demonstration purposes:
features = tf.random.stateless_uniform((1, 4, 4, 1), seed=[0, 1])
# Preview the feature map
print(features[..., 0])
# tf.Tensor(
# [[[0.08216608 0.40928006 0.39318466 0.3162533 ]
# [0.34717774 0.73199546 0.56369007 0.9769211 ]
# [0.55243933 0.13101244 0.2941643 0.5130266 ]
# [0.38977218 0.80855536 0.6040567 0.10502195]]], shape=(1, 4, 4),
# dtype=float32)
layer = DropBlock2D(0.1, block_size=2, seed=1234) # Small size for
output = layer(features, training=True)
# Preview the feature map after dropblock:
print(output[..., 0])
# tf.Tensor(
# [[[0.10955477 0.54570675 0.5242462 0.42167106]
# [0.46290365 0.97599393 0. 0. ]
# [0.7365858 0.17468326 0. 0. ]
# [0.51969624 1.0780739 0.80540895 0.14002927]]],
# shape=(1, 4, 4),
# dtype=float32)
# We can observe two things:
# 1. A 2x2 block has been dropped
# 2. The inputs have been slightly scaled to account for missing values.
# The number of blocks dropped can vary, between the channels - sometimes no
# blocks will be dropped, and sometimes there will be multiple overlapping
# blocks. Let's present on a larger feature map:
features = tf.random.stateless_uniform((1, 4, 4, 36), seed=[0, 1])
layer = DropBlock2D(0.1, (2, 2), seed=123)
output = layer(features, training=True)
print(output[..., 0]) # no drop
# tf.Tensor(
# [[[0.09136613 0.98085546 0.15265216 0.19690938]
# [0.48835075 0.52433217 0.1661478 0.7067729 ]
# [0.07383626 0.9938906 0.14309917 0.06882786]
# [0.43242374 0.04158871 0.24213943 0.1903095 ]]],
# shape=(1, 4, 4),
# dtype=float32)
print(output[..., 9]) # drop single block
# tf.Tensor(
# [[[0.14568178 0.01571623 0.9082305 1.0545396 ]
# [0.24126057 0.86874676 0. 0. ]
# [0.44101703 0.29805306 0. 0. ]
# [0.56835717 0.04925899 0.6745584 0.20550345]]],
# shape=(1, 4, 4),
# dtype=float32)
print(output[..., 22]) # drop two blocks
# tf.Tensor(
# [[[0.69479376 0.49463132 1.0627024 0.58349967]
# [0. 0. 0.36143216 0.58699244]
# [0. 0. 0. 0. ]
# [0.0315055 1.0117861 0. 0. ]]],
# shape=(1, 4, 4),
# dtype=float32)
print(output[..., 29]) # drop two blocks with overlap
# tf.Tensor(
# [[[0.2137237 0.9120104 0.9963533 0.33937347]
# [0.21868704 0.44030213 0.5068906 0.20034194]
# [0. 0. 0. 0.5915383 ]
# [0. 0. 0. 0.9526224 ]]],
# shape=(1, 4, 4),
# dtype=float32)